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Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Preise

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Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Ôban triptych. Title: Gôketsu kijutsu kurabe. Competition of powerful magicians. Signed: Ôju Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu. Publisher: Masadaya. Censor/date: aratame, 12/1869. Rare.... €1.188
Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Vertical ôban diptych. Title: Taira no Koremochi Togakushiyama kijo taiji no zu. Koremochi sees the reflection of the demoness in the water. Signed: Yoshitoshi. Seal: Yoshitoshi... €938
Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Oban triptych. Title: Meiji jugo mizunoe-uma kishu kaiga kyoshinkai shuppinga Fujiwara no Yasumasa gekka roteki zu. Fujiwara Yasumasa playing the flute in the fields before the ... €915
Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Ôban. Series: Tsuki hyakkei. Title: Yoshinoyama yowa no tsuki - Iga no Tsubone. Iga no Tsubone and the ghost of Sasaki no Kiyotaka. Signed: Yoshitoshi. Seal: Yoshitoshi no in. B... €812
Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892) and Utagawa Yoshiiku (1833–1904) €558
Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Oban triptych. Title: Shichifukujin tawamure no zu. The seven gods of good fortune making merry. Signed: Oju Yoshitoshi giga. Seal: Yoshitoshi no in. Publisher: Inoue Shigehei. ... €488