Kawase Hasui - Oban. Series: Tokyo nijukei. Title: Magome no tsuki. Moon above a farmhouse. Signed: Hasui. Seal: Kawase. Publisher: Watanabe Shosaburo. Date: Showa 5 (1930). - image-1

Lot 1178 Dα

Kawase Hasui - Oban. Series: Tokyo nijukei. Title: Magome no tsuki. Moon above a farmhouse. Signed: Hasui. Seal: Kawase. Publisher: Watanabe Shosaburo. Date: Showa 5 (1930).

Auktion 1034 - Übersicht Köln
14.06.2014, 14:00 - Japanische Kunst
Schätzpreis: 400 €
Ergebnis: 1.220 € (inkl. Aufgeld)

Kawase Hasui

Oban. Series: Tokyo nijukei. Title: Magome no tsuki. Moon above a farmhouse. Signed: Hasui. Seal: Kawase. Publisher: Watanabe Shosaburo. Date: Showa 5 (1930).

Oban. Series: Tokyo nijukei. Title: Magome no tsuki. Moon above a farmhouse. Signed: Hasui. Seal: Kawase. Publisher: Watanabe Shosaburo. Date: Showa 5 (1930). Very good impression and colours, slightly yellowed and creased, two small stains, hinges at upper margin verso.


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