Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia

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Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia - Current offers and reference objects

Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia Prices

ArtistArtworkPrice (incl. premium)
Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia A Royal Vienna porcelain toilette service in the original travel case €40.320
Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia A Vienna porcelain snuff box with an allegory of summer €11.340
Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia A Vienna porcelain tête à tête with allegories of friendship €4.960
Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia A Sorgenthal porcelain mocca service. €1.054
Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia A Royal Vienna friendship cup and saucer. €620
Vienna, Imperial Manufactory in the era of Maria Theresia A Vienna porcelain teacup and saucer with floral trellis decor. €434