An important Rococo copper, silver and partially gilt domestic altar. Probably Salzburg, Johann Michael Hofstätter, ca. 1770.
Richly decorated with rocailles and shells with a large rocaille cartouche to the centre flanked by figures of Saint Theresa and Saint Anthony. Above this a relief showing Saint Joseph with the Christ Child on a cloud containing a reliquary case, flanked by adoring angels. The serpentine pediment is crowned by a relic of the holy Cross. Includes three original copper panels, painted on both sides, to decorate the central cartouche for various observances. Also included the original commission letter of 1770 and two certificates for the relics, dated 1769 and 1773. H 64 cm.
The first recorded owner of this altarpiece was the Salzburg councillor and city treasurer Josef I Anton Mayr, who bequeathed it to his son in 1791. The piece has remained in the family ever since, and has been kept in excellent condition. Along with the altarpiece and copper plaques, the original commission notice of 1770 has also been kept intact, it reads: "Mit Gott a.d. 1770 / Hab ich endts Unterschreiber Herrn (...) Handelsherrn alhier ein kleins Haußaltärl gemacht von Kupfer und gutt vergoldt. Die Verkleidung sambt 3 Figürl, alß S:Antoni, S:Theresia und S:Josef mit dem Kindlein, sambt Allerley Englein (...) P. ist in Silber gegeben worden 56 Loth sind verarbeit worden (... ...) Darzu ist göbn worden zum Vergolden 6 Dukaten zu 30 (...) zu dank alles bezahlt worden / Johann Michael Hofstätter / Hoff und Burgmarschall (?) Gürttler M(eister)."
Purchased circa 1770 from Josef I Anton Mayr, owner of the "Goldenes Schiff" hotel in Salzburg; henceforth in Salzburg family ownership.