Lot 854 D α

An ivory netsuke of a fisher girl with a jewel. Early 19th century

Auction 1044 - overview Cologne
06.12.2014, 10:30 - The Kolodotschko Collection of Netsuke, Japanese Art
Estimate: 300 € - 500 €
Result: 434 € (incl. premium)

An ivory netsuke of a fisher girl with a jewel. Early 19th century

Standing bent forward with a tama in her right hand and a knife in her left, wearing a sedge apron above her skirt, the long hair lacquered black.
Height 6.1 cm

The netsuke illustrates an episode from the tale Taishokan, in which a fisher girl retrieves the jewel from Ryûjin, the Dragon King of the Sea, in order to return it to Fujiwara no Kamatari, its rightful owner. Because she is consequently chased by Ryûjin's helpers, she cuts open her breast to hide the jewel inside her bosom.

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