Ewald Mataré - Eva mit der Schlange - image-1

Lot 341 D

Ewald Mataré - Eva mit der Schlange

Auction 1051 - overview Cologne
29.05.2015, 18:00 - Modern Art
Estimate: 7.000 €
Result: 11.160 € (incl. premium)

Ewald Mataré

Eva mit der Schlange

Terracotta sculpture, brown clay, formed, cut, smoothed, fired and polished with agate Height 43 cm Unsigned. Unique piece. - Mataré created a bronze version in 1954, of which 6 casts are known (S. Mataré/Schilling 124 a). - The right foot with an old trace of cracking as well as a minor old loss of material.

Catalogue Raisonné

S. Mataré/ Schilling 124


We would like to thank Sonja Mataré, Meerbusch, for her confirmatory information.


Fromerly the collection of Lotte Jülich, Cologne; Private possession, Lower Rhine


Hanns Theodor Flemming, Ewald Mataré, Munich 1955, p. 35, no. 48 with illus.; Joachim Büchner, Ewald Mataré, in: Das Münster, 1964, magazine 7/8, p. 281, illus. p. 276; Gisela Reineking von Bock, Keramiken von Ewald Mataré, in: Keramos, April 1975, no. 68, p. 41-64, no. 14 with illus.


Stockholm 1954 (Svens-Franska Konstgalleriet), Ewald Mataré. Skulpturer Träsnitt 1921-1953, cat. no. 51; Düsseldorf 1967 (Städtische Kunsthalle), Ewald Mataré. Plastiken, Kunsthandwerk, Handzeichnungen, Aquarelle, Graphik, cat. no. 20 with colour illus.; Frechen 1975 (Keramion-Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst), Kunst im Keramion. Ewald Mataré, cat. no. 43, illus. no. 14