Vor aller Augen. Leipzig/Paris/Genève
Portfolio containing 16 photo works, printed 2005. From 26.6 x 38.8 cm (49 x 59.9 cm) to 58.9 x 46.7 cm (59 x 47 cm), portrait and landscape formats. Each print signed, dated, titled and editioned on the verso. Copy 12/20 (+ 5 A.P.). Edition of Goethe-Institut Gallery, Paris/galerieKleindienst, Leipzig. - Each print in a sleeve with parchment cover, thereon typewritten notes on the work, and together with cover sheet in a cloth portfolio.
Supplement: Sabine Belz/Matthias Kleindienst (ed.), Vor aller Augen. Fotografie aus Leipzig, exhib.cat. Goethe-Institut Paris et al., Bielefeld 2005 (signed, dated and with dedication by Timm Rautert as well as signed and dated by Matthias Kleindienst)
Linda Weiss, Slash (# 2005.1.0.1), 2005, chromogenic print
Tobias Zielony, Tiger and Dragon, 2005, chromogenic print
Dirk Scheidt, Springbrunnen, 2005, chromogenic print
Adrian Sauer, Brille, 2005, chromogenic print
Alexej Meschtschanow, Ich baue Möbel [...], 2005, chromogenic print
Frank Berger, Boulevard du Temple, 2005, chromogenic print
Timm Rautert, Nippon, 1996, gelatin silver print with silk screen, printed 2005
Stephanie Kiwitt, o.T., 2005, chromogenic print
Sven Johne, Gewerbegebiet Döbeln, 2005, silk screen
Falk Haberkorn, Tropical Island, 2005, gelatin silver print
Ulrich Gebert, Die Frage nach der Technik, 2005, chromogenic print
Göran Gnaudschun, Lichtung II, 2004, chromogenic print
Florian Ebner, Walter's xerox machine, 2003, chromogenic print
Viktoria Binschtock, LVNY 1, 2003, chromogenic print
Kristleifur Björnsson, Sunday morning #1, 2005, collage of inkjet prints
Ricarda Roggan, ATTIKA 8, 2005, chromogenic print