Hieronymus Janssens
Merry Company
Oil on copper (parquetted).. 46 x 36.5 cm.
Signed lower left: H. Jan[...] fec...
Like many interior and genre scenes, this work is intended to convey a moral message to its viewers. The depiction of negative behaviours is meant to deter the viewer from repeating them and encourage them to act better, whereas depictions of positive behaviours are meant to inspire the viewer to imitation. The works are not only meant to serve a didactic purpose, but also provide amusement. The central figure in this work, a harlot in a low-cut dress, sits with open legs in the lap of a well-dressed gentleman whilst on the left another man whispers into her ear and hands her a bag of money. The scene is full of men and women in sumptuous attire, shown eating a splendid meal whilst pouring each other copious amounts of good wine and enjoying the music being played for them.
We can see a further scene through the archway in the background, which the work's author uses to insert further symbolism into his genre painting. A woman pours out a glass of water from her balcony - a Biblical reference alluding to weakness and destruction. The scene below her appears to show two women with sticks defending themselves from a male attacker.
Max J. Friedländer, 02.04.1932.
In a private collection, Rhineland, for three generations.