Lot 347 D α

A round cast iron plaque with Christoph Martin Wieland

Auction 1169 - overview Berlin
24.04.2021, 11:00 - Prussian Sale
Estimate: 400 € - 600 €
Result: 625 € (incl. premium)

A round cast iron plaque with Christoph Martin Wieland

Black patinated cast iron. Portrait bust facing left. D 9.3 cm, with frame H 25.1, W 19.1 cm.
Prussian iron foundry, the model attributed to Leonhard Posch, 1809.


The C. Lith collection.


Cf. Schmidt, Der preußische Eisenkunstguss, Berlin 1981, p. 86, illus. 56. Cf. Forschler-Tarrasch, Leonhard Posch 1750 1831 Porträtmodelleur und Bildhauer, Berlin 2002, no. 410. The author mentions four further cast iron examples, as well as referring to the wax portrait of the poet that the plaque is based on, which was sculpted by Gerhard von Kügelken.