Lot 134 D α

Zwei blau-weiße Flaschenvasen. Chongzhen Periode (1628-1644)

Auction 1190 - overview Cologne
11.12.2021, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 1.500 € - 2.500 €

Zwei blau-weiße Flaschenvasen. Chongzhen Periode (1628-1644)

With a globular body with a tall slender waisted garlic neck, decorated in tones of cobalt blue and finely detailed to the lower section with a continuous figural scene of "The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove". The figures are shown in conversation, reclining at leisure, and appreciating a scroll painting amongst rockwork, bamboo, and plantain trees. The neck is painted with upright tulips, lotus scroll and stylized flowers and foliage. Restored.
Height 35 cm

明崇禎 青花竹林七賢長頸蒜頭瓶
來源:德國北威州 Leonard Lamm (1939-2020) 私人收藏,二十世紀七十年代至八十年代蒐集於歐洲藝術商上


Collection Leonard Lamm (1939-2020), North-Rhine-Westphalia, acquiored in the European art market in the 1970s/80s