Lot 521 D α

An Islamic mortar with lotus bud reliefs

Auction 1196 - overview Cologne
20.05.2022, 10:00 - Decorative Arts incl. Highly Important Mortars the Schwarzach Collection Part IV.
Estimate: 4.000 € - 6.000 €
Result: 4.500 € (incl. premium)

An Islamic mortar with lotus bud reliefs

Golden yellow cast bronze with silver damascene, slightly brown flecked patina with traces of verdigris. Of tapering form with protruding base and rim. Decorated with dense spiralling tendrils, calligraphy and lotus bud reliefs alternating with star of David and game animal motifs. The base concave due to usage, some dents to the edges. H 15, D 18.2 cm, weight c. 7 kg.
Attributed to Iran, 12th - 13th C.