Lot 128 D α

A painted grey pottery horse torso. In the style of Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD)

Auction 1203 - overview Cologne
11.06.2022, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 700 € - 800 €
Result: 693 € (incl. premium)

A painted grey pottery horse torso. In the style of Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD)

With a hollow-molded body of a horse with a separate head and apertures on the underside for the insertion of separately made legs. Gray earthenware with brick-red pigment detailed in white with trappings.
Height 37 cm; length 38 cm

漢代風格 紅陶彩繪馬
來源: 比利時私人收藏


Private Collection, Belgium