Lot 98 D α

Two bronze vessels of fanghu type. Han dynasty

Auction 1203 - overview Cologne
11.06.2022, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 8.000 € - 10.000 €

Two bronze vessels of fanghu type. Han dynasty

Of square cross section, the pear shaped-body rising from a high slightly splayed foot, on two opposite sides taotie masks in relief with a loose ring handle.The smaller one with partly green patina and loam crust, the larger one with a thin green patina. (2)
Height 38 cm and 35.7 cm

漢 青銅饕餮紋方壺兩件
來源:比利时外交官私人收藏,購于Axel Vervoordt,'s-Gravenwezel,1994年
證書: Axel Vervoordt, 's-Gravenwezel, 1994年3月23日 (可提供複印件)


Axel Vervoordt, 's-Gravenwezel, 23.3.1994 (photocopy)


Collection of a Belgian diplomat, acquired from Axel Vervoordt, 's-Gravenwezel, 1994