A bronze figure of the Daoist goddess Bixia Yuanjun. Ming dynasty
Seated with legs wide apart on a bench, on a footed base, both hands holding a hu tablet, the headress displaying three phoenixes by which she can be identified as the Sovereign of the Clouds of Dawn, the garment borders and shawl decorated with blossoms and scrolls in engraving. Remains of a lacquer coating with gilding and red colour to the bench. The two pins at the base belong to the now lost figures of children. Front part of the socle filled with lacquered wood.
Height 53.4 cm
The Daoist goddess Bixia Yuanjun 碧霞元君, Sovereign of the clouds of dawn, is clearly identifiable by her headdress consisting of three phoenixes and the hu-board she holds in front of her chest. She should not be confused with her two main attendants Yanguang Niangniang 眼光娘娘 (Goddess of Eyesight) and Zisun Niangniang 子孙娘娘 (Goddess of Children), who wear similar headdresses but hold an eye and a baby respectively as identifying attributes.
Among other things, Bixia Yuanjun is also the female deity who presides over Taishan (Taishan Niangniang 泰山娘娘) in Shandong province, one of China's Five Great Mountains. Here, a large temple complex is dedicated to her. Representations of Bixia Yuanjun are consequently found in this area. As a deity responsible for male offspring, she is worshipped mainly in Northern China, and thus corresponds to the bodhisattva Guanyin in his female manifestation, who is paid homage to in Southern China. The sinologist Susan Naquin, who has worked extensively on this subject, states that Bixia figures are particularly common in German collections, as they were apparently acquired by the German residents in the leasehold territory of Kiaotschou (Jiaozhou) (1898-1914) in Shandong province.
明 銅道家碧霞元君坐像
來源: Heinrich Dirksen博士 (1861—1935)收藏, 自此為家族所有
海軍高級醫師海因裏希·德克森博士(Heinrich Dirksen)46歲時,被派往當時的德國租借地總督府山東膠州青島。 1906 年 11 月,他在剛落成的政府醫院擔任海軍醫療服務部部長。1909年1月27日服務期限屆滿,其全家繼續留在青島,直到1909年的復活節。在此期間其子格哈特(Gerhart)就讀於當地政府學校。
1909 年,海因裏希·德克森 (Heinrich Dirksen) 帶著中國瓷器、青銅器以及琺瑯器皿回到德國,成為威廉港船廠醫院的主任醫師。1935年他在耶拿的養老院去世後,這些收藏傳給了他的兒子,在基爾獲得法學博士的格哈特·德克森(1902-1945)。他與阿道夫·多爾博士(Adolf Dörr,1876-1953)的女兒成婚。多爾博士從1904年12月10日至 1907年10月15日,也在青島完成了海軍高級助理醫生的服務。自1914年8月20日起,被分配到III號海軍營第2連預備隊擔任海軍初級醫生。多爾博士在中國購買的物品是否通過聯姻進入德克森家族,已不可考證。
1940至1945年格哈特·德克森服兵役期間,德克森一家以及其他所有家族成員從基爾搬到了德特莫爾德-希德森(Detmold-Hiddesen),搬入了阿道夫·多爾新建的房子,這裏正是自1938年以來阿道夫·多爾的養老之處。戰爭結束後,美國大兵在此駐紮,並盜走了家中的日本刀劍。盡管戰後時期生活艱辛,在收到對御中國銅器收購的提議時,德克森一家並沒有接受。這些收藏仍為家族所有,並最終來到了北萊茵-威斯特法倫州。收藏家的孫子漢斯·沃爾夫岡·德克森博士(Hans-Wolfgang Dirksen)在多爾馬根(Dormagen)的拜耳公司接受了一份工作,他與新婚妻子收到了家族珍藏的中國藝術品來裝飾他們的新家。
Collection Dr. Heinrich Dirksen (1861—1935), thence by descent