An Indo-Portuguese ivory mountain socle of the Christ Child as the Good Shepherd. India, Goa. Ca. 1675-1750
On a plinth with alternating sheep and flower vases rises the four-tiered mountain carved to all three sides with figures, lambs, birds, a fountain and various plants. Of three ivory sections. Numerous losses.
Height 18 cm
The sculpture of the Good Shepherd as a boy sitting on a rock and backed by branches or even sitting under a tree is a popular, relatively common subject found in Goa only.
Although the figure of the Good Shepherd is missing, the mountain is decorated in an unusual way, not only on the front but also on the right and left sides, with the reverse side having the appearance of a layered rock or a mighty tree trunk.
The rock massif is subdivided into four levels at the front and five at the sides. At the bottom front lies St. Mary Magdalene, in a large grotto with a crucifix on a skull. Above it, sheep are standing and lying, two pedestals formerly with figures. In the centre stands a mermaid supporting the Fountain of Life. Two jets of water pour from a lion's head into three basins, interpreted as the fountain of life, fons vitae. Two lambs and two birds identified as pelicans drink from the lowest. On the third level is carved with Mary and Joseph standing on the sides.
On the right side, in a niche, the Good Shepherd holds a bowl into which a stream pours and a flag of victory. Above this are lambs grazing on four levels. On the left side we see a Christ-like figure kneeling and praying before a crucifix.
Sales permit for the EU internal market available
Private collection, Aachen
Cf. a similarly elaborately designed mountain without Christ Child in: Kunstkammer Georg Laue, Exotica, Munich 2012, cat. no. 67