"Art helps and has an effect."

Lempertz donates 100,000 euros for the Ukraine aid of Malteser Hilfsdienst

On Thursday, 18 August 2022, Lempertz was able to make a donation of 100,000 euros to Malteser Hilfsdienst's Ukraine Aid. In spring, owner Henrik Hanstein decided to call for donations. Some consignors donated paintings to the spring auction, Lempertz supplemented the proceeds with its commission in each case. In addition, the auction house waived the entire proceeds from its catalogue revenue this year and doubled the sum.

Partner Alice Jay von Seldeneck presented the donation cheque at the auction house in Berlin's Nikolaiviertel to Jörg von Fürstenwerth, Diocesan Director of the Berlin Malteser and to Marie-Catherine Freifrau Heereman, Delegate of the Order of Malta Delegation East. "Art helps and has an effect. With its donation, Kunsthaus Lempertz is making a special commitment to the people from Ukraine. In view of the suffering in Ukraine, we are grateful for this more than generous donation, which Malteser will use for its work in helping refugees," said Jörg von Fürstenwerth.

Lempertz has been very close to Malteser Hilfsdienst for years and is happy to support the important work of the organisation, especially in these currently very difficult times. Since the outbreak of the Ukraine war, Malteser Hilfsdienst, supported by numerous Malteser volunteers, has been active in helping the refugees from Ukraine. Since then, they have been providing emergency accommodation, medical care, donations in kind and more in a very short time. Lempertz will continue to support Malteser in this, announces Alice Jay von Seldeneck: "In the coming weeks we expect another large donation for Malteser's Ukraine aid, because more money is still coming in."