Together Against Poverty
Lempertz sells Georg Baselitz’s self-portrait ZERO in a charity auction for 22,000 euro
Lempertz is pleased to announce that the self-portrait ZERO (2018) by Georg Baselitz has been sold for 22,000 euro, considerably higher than the starting price of € 8,000. Georg Baselitz drew the self-portrait during a visit to his retrospective at the Fondation Beyerle two years ago, and the idea soon arose to sell the drawing for charity. Due to the pandemic, the sale at Lempertz took place as an Online Only auction. The proceeds will go to help the homeless and will be donated in full to the association Kunst hilft geben für Arme und Wohnungslose in Köln e.V.

Isabel Apiarius-Hanstein, partner of Lempertz, said “We are pleased with the fantastic result of the charity auction. We are very thankful to Georg Baselitz for his generous gesture and his solidarity with those who are most in need of our support in these difficult times. Furthermore, we thank all the bidders, ZDF, and the association Kunst hilft geben – you all contributed to this great success. Dirk Kästel has been committed to the association for the homeless and poor for years. I look forward to handing over the proceeds of the charity auction to him soon. The auction incidentally demonstrates once again the success of our digital strategy.”
Georg Baselitz was equally pleased: “I am very happy that I could help in this way and would like to thank all those involved for making this possible.”
“This help from the world artist Baselitz is a magnificent small wonder and a ray of hope in the corona crisis! We hope for continued support for the homeless, for those who have to fight for survival every day,” said Dirk Kästel, founder and chairman of the association Kunst hilft geben, to which the proceeds will go.
Information about the charity auction:
Program aspekte from 22. Jan. 21 in the ZDF-Mediathek which reported on the charity auction:
Information about the association Kunst hilft geben für Arme und Wohnungsloste in Köln
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