Antonio Rossi - Allegory of Autumn - image-1

Lot 92 Dα

Antonio Rossi - Allegory of Autumn

Auction 1126 - overview Cologne
20.03.2019, 14:30 - Paintings 15th to 19th Centuries
Estimate: 6.000 € - 7.000 €

Antonio Rossi

Allegory of Autumn

Oil on canvas (relined). 65 x 78 cm.

The present scene, almost certainly part of a cycle representing the Four Seasons, has been recognized as a typical work of Antonio Rossi, a Bolognese pupil of Marcantonio Franceschini, who specialized as figure painter. He was active in Bologna, Imola and other cities of the Emilia region, for religious orders as well as secular patrons and often cooperated with architecture painters such as Orlandi and Carlo Lodi, filling their landscapes setting with elegant staffage. His style is full of grace, classical and refined, and recalls examples of Bolognese Rococo artists such as Donato Creti (for some examples of his work, cf. Adriano Cera: La pittura bolognese del 700, Milano 1994, ad vocem, ill. 4-6).