Kernthemen der oft archaisch anmutenden Schwarzweißfotografie Dieter Appelts (*1935) sind die existenziellen Themen des Daseins wie Geburt, Leben, Zeit, Schmerz und Tod. Es geht ihm um das Verhältnis…
Lempertz can look back on a successful year at all its locations, with unique works of art contributing to a pleasing annual turnover. To crown the year, a distinguished guest visited Cologne.
The NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein is organising its annual benefit auction digitally this year under the patronage of Prof. Henrik Hanstein (Kunsthaus Lempertz, Cologne) and on behalf of the…
De Brock is pleased to present its fourth solo exhibition with Ethan Cook, taking place at Lempertz during Brussels Art Week. Lempertz is ideally situated between the Sablon and Avenue Louise, in a…
Lempertz is proud to present a selection of new sculptures by the Belgian artist Stijn Ank at its venue in Brussels from May 30 until June 29, 2024. Stijn Ank is internationally acclaimed for his…
Hilary Balu’s new paintings are an extension of his series titled “From Fantasy to Escape,” which he began a few months ago. Through these works, the artist continues his exploration of the…
Andreas Feininger, the Paris-born first of three sons of Bauhaus master Lyonel Feininger, set important milestones with his technical and artistic passion for photography, and it is thanks to his…
Alfred Gunzenhauser was a successful gallerist, with his premises at the most prominent address on Munich’s Maximilianstrasse a cornerstone of the German art scene. His activity as a collector,…
With a donation of over 100,000 euro, Lempertz once again focuses attention on the continuing suffering in the war zone of Ukraine. After a large donation collected last year was doubled by Lempertz,…
To mark the 225th anniversary of Lempertz, Mayor Henriette Reker invited guests to a reception at City Hall. The Hanstein family and members of the management signed the City of Cologne's guest…
Exhibition of a new series of paintings at Lempertz Brussels in collaboration with MAI 36 GALERIE. Curated by Duviel Fernandez & Hélène Robbe
Under the patronage of the 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso), the Tibethaus Cultural Foundation Frankfurt am Main has consigned a number of Buddhist art objects from the estate of a Hamburg couple.…
NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein cordially invites you to this year’s Benefit Auction in December 2022 under the patronage of Prof. Henrik Hanstein (Kunsthaus Lempertz, Cologne).
The exhibition will feature “Selections from the Seymour Lazar Collection”. Seymour Lazar of Palm Springs was a successful entertainment lawyer turned stock trader and courageous investor who started…
Am Donnerstag, den 18. August 2022, konnte Lempertz der Ukraine-Hilfe des Malteser Hilfsdiensts Spenden in Höhe von 100.000 Euro zukommen lassen. Im Frühjahr entschied sich Inhaber Henrik Hanstein…
Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet hat am Montag, 23. August 2021 – dem 75. Landesgeburtstag – 13 Persönlichkeiten mit dem Verdienstorden des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen ausgezeichnet. Die Verleihung…
Dutch artist and designer Kiki van Eijk will showcase new and unique Ceramic Wall Stories, hand-built ceramic mirrors; Domestic Collages, hand-stitched wall hangings...
Lempertz has achieved a brilliant result with its auctions this spring, celebrating a turnover of 21.7 million euro.
Das Kölner Auktionshaus Lempertz feiert sein 175-Jahr-Jubiläum mit einer außergewöhnlichen Versteigerung. Werke von Picasso, Andreas Gursky und Eberhard Havekost sind die Highlights.
Das Handelsblatt vom 21. Mai 2020 über die Preußen Auktion: Die Berliner Auktion von Lempertz offenbart einen neuen Trend. Sammler begeistern sich plötzlich für repräsentative Objekte aus der Zeit…
Aus der Mai 2020-Ausgabe der Weltkunst: Bei der Preußen-Auktion von Lempertz am 16. Mai in Berlin begeistern kunsthandwerkliche Meisterstücke aus der Zeit der Hohenzollern: von Tapisserie über Silber…
Der Tagesspiegel vom 13. Mai 2020: Lempertz in Berlin macht mit 300 Objekten einen Schaulauf durch die preußische Geschichte. Der Besuch der Vorbesichtigung lohnt sich.
Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung berichtete am 3. Mai 2020 über das Versteigern in Zeiten der Kontaktsperre am Beispiel von Lempertz.
Die Tageszeitung Die WELT berichtete am 18. April 2020 über einen von Lempertz erfolgreich vermittelten Restitutionsfall.
Köln – Weltkunst im Bistro 48: Von Freitag, 22. November bis 15. Januar 2020 stellt der Verein Kunst hilft geben e.V. über zwölf seiner 33 hochwertige limitierte Editionen, Kunstdrucke und Poster im…
Am 26. November war Henrik Hanstein zu Gast in der ZDF-Talkshow Markus Lanz um über den Juwelenraub in Dresdens Grünem Gewölbe zu diskutieren.
In an extensive interview with daily newspaper Die Welt, Henrik Hanstein discusses the impact of Brexit on the international art market.
Lempertz have been hosting successful sales of Contemporary Art and Photography for 30 years. We want to celebrate the occasion with two special auctions on 29th November in Cologne.
This is Lempertz’ new digital format. We hope you enjoy the first edition of SPOTLIGHT!
Lempertz Brussels and König Galerie are pleased to present a solo exhibition by Berlin-based artist Jorinde Voigt.
This Friday, 24 November at 7.30 pm, Maurice Philip Remy will be at Lempertz on Cologne’s Neumarkt to discuss his sensational book “Der Fall Gurlitt"...
Vom 12. September bis 13. Oktober stellt Lempertz in Kooperation mit der Galerie Sabine Knust aus München grafische Werke von Georg Baselitz aus...
Anlässlich der Berliner Art Week vom 12. bis 16. September zeigt GEMS AND LADDERS eine Kollektion von Schmuckstücken, die von zeitgenössischen Künstlern entworfen und in einer Vielzahl von…
Zum Auftakt der Frühjahrssaison 2017 veranstaltet Lempertz mit Artcurial im Januar wieder gemeinsame Auktionen für Schmuck und Uhren in Monaco...
Anlässlich des Europäischen Monats der Photographie zeigt Lempertz Berlin vom 13. Oktober bis zum 4. November 2016 beeindruckende Luftaufnahmen des kriegszerstörten Berlins ...
From 9 September to 7 October Kunsthaus Lempertz will hold an exhibition of a selection of works by the US American artist Ellsworth Kelly.
To begin the New Year, on January, 18th and 19th Lempertz and Artcurial will together be organising winter auctions of jewellery and watches in Monaco for the first time ...
The Neue Aachener Kunstverein will this year once again be hosting a charity auction. This will be taking place on 12th December and will be headed by Prof. Henrik R. Hanstein.
The fifth Artists Against AIDS auction will be taking place in the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn on 25th November and was curated this year by Daniel Hug, director of ART COLOGNE trade fair. The works…
Von August Macke wird eine prominente und hochqualitative Partie offeriert. Die vier nachfolgenden Arbeiten stammen direkt aus dem Nachlass des Künstlers und sind bisher nicht auf dem Kunstmarkt…
On 5th November, Lempertz Berlin will hold a second Benefits Auction in aid of the reconstruction of the historical façade of the Berlin City Palace in the Italian Embassy...
On Tuesday 29th September, Lempertz organised a charity auction as part of the Bürgerstiftung Berlin’s annual Art Dinner event. The sale was a tremendous success, achieving just under €250,000 to…
Although it is commendable that state minister of culture Grütters has smoothed some of the sharper edges of the planned law on the protection of cultural goods, the law still requires major…
Lempertz will be organising a charity sale of artworks as part of the yearly Art Dinner of the Bürgerstiftung Berlin on 29th September. The profits from this sale of around 60 works will go towards…
With a result of 35.2 million euro, Lempertz is Germany's auction house with the greatest turnover...
From 11 September - 9 October Joëlle Tuerlinckx will be having an exhibition at Lempertz Brussels.
Kashmir sapphire was highlight of the jewellery sale in Monte Carlo.
In the Berlin auction on 2 May, around 300 lots referencing Berlin will be offered for sale. Alongside a wide range of exquisite porcelains, works of art of silver, bronze, cast iron as well as…
A magnificent Soviet collection embodying Russia’s post-revolutionary era is to go under the hammer this March and May.