Lot 2124 D α

Probably Maasland 14th century - A 14th century processional cross, presumably Maasland

Auction 1160 - overview Cologne
14.11.2020, 11:00 - Old Masters
Estimate: 14.000 € - 16.000 €
Result: 15.000 € (incl. premium)

Probably Maasland 14th century

A 14th century processional cross, presumably Maasland

Cast bronze on a wooden base with engraved brass mountings and remains of original gilding. The Corpus Christi is here placed separately against the square shaped centre of the cross and the four symbols of the evangelists against the quatrefoil terminals. The front of the cross is engraved with the Lamb of God in the centre and stylised tendrils on the beams. The engravings of the reverse repeat the symbols of the evangelists and tendrils whilst the centre shows the Veil of Veronica with the Vera Icon.
The horizontal beam behind the Corpus reattached with solder. With dents and abrasions. Mounted on a wooden plinth. 53.5 x 36 cm (without plinth).


Belgian private ownership.