A silver neck ornament of the Black Miao tribe. Southern China, Guizhou province, Zhenfeng district. 1940s - image-1

Lot 129 Dα

A silver neck ornament of the Black Miao tribe. Southern China, Guizhou province, Zhenfeng district. 1940s

Auction 1166 - overview Cologne
15.12.2020, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 4.500 € - 5.000 €

A silver neck ornament of the Black Miao tribe. Southern China, Guizhou province, Zhenfeng district. 1940s

Consisting of five hollow and closed graduated tubes engraved all over with traditional patterns. Weight ca. 750 g.
Outside diameter 35.5 cm; inner diameter 21.8 cm

二十世紀四十年代 貴州苗族銀項圈
來源:法國波爾多 Philippe Fatin 私人收藏
可比:Museé des Arts asiatiques(著), De Fil et d’Argent, Mémoire des Miao de Chine, 2004年, 頁118 與 René van der Star 著, The Art of Silver Jewellery. From the Minorities of China, The Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet(中國少數民族銀珠寶藝術),米蘭 2006年,頁116


Collection Philippe Fatin, Bordeaux
Private collection, Cologne


Compare similar torque illustrated in: Museé des Arts asiatiques (ed.), De Fil et d’Argent, Mémoire des Miao de Chine, Nice 2004, p. 118 and René van der Star, The Art of Silver Jewellery. From the Minorities of China, The Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet, Milano 2006, p. 116