Armour (yoroi). 18th/19th century - image-1

Lot 639 Dα

Armour (yoroi). 18th/19th century

Auction 1166 - overview Cologne
16.12.2020, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 4.500 € - 5.500 €
Result: 6.250 € (incl. premium)

Armour (yoroi). 18th/19th century

Kitsuke kozane tachi do with pendant kusazuri each with five plates, an ukezubo (holder) on the back for a sashimono (standard), kon ito odoshi, haidate with small plates and kaushi gusari, kabuto: 12-plate suji bachi with five-layer tehen no kanamono, six-layer shikoro, ressei-type menpô with five-layer yodarekake, outside black, inside and lips lacquered red, moustache of animal hair, shino kote with hyotan-gane, six-plate sode with kitsuke kozane, shino suneate. Armour box.