Uyghurs on a hunting expedition (Huihu youlie tu).
Uyghurs on a hunting expedition (Huihu youlie tu). Horizontal scroll. Ink and colours on silk. Inscribed Zhao Mengfu and sealed Dade zhi bao, qishu guhua, le qin shu yi xiao you, Guangxu sanshisi nian qiyue ershi ri mai wu zhuzhen shuizai hui Aomen (Charity sales event for Macau flood victims in the 34th year of Guangxu), momoren, Chendong xiru, Da Ming Anchu Zhi Yong jiangjun zhi zhang, Baishi weng (Shen Zhou, 1427–1509), Shenshi Qi‘nan (Shen Zhou), da xueshi yin, Taishi zongbo (Dong Qichang, 1555–1636). European wooden box.
26.8 x 180.5 cm
E. A. Voretzsch particularly appreciated this cross roll. After he acquired it in Macao in 1908, it was exhibited in Hamburg in 1913 and in Kristiania (Oslo) in 1919. In the two unpictured "guides" to the exhibitions, the text on this scroll is by far longer than the entries on the other paintings. He believed the seals of the Yuan Emperor Chengzong and a Ming general and in 1913 said: "It is thus one of the few pictures which also by their pedigree make their authenticity probable."
He took the cross scroll with him to his ambassadorial post in Tokyo, where he had a huge book (58.5 x 45.7 cm) with the title printed in three languages (German, Japanese, English) by the renowned art book publisher Ôtsuka Kogeisha 大塚巧藝社 in 1932 to accompany his collection of Chinese paintings. Three scenes from the Uighur transverse scroll, the title and the signature of the transverse scroll are depicted here.
In 1942 Voretzsch was still preoccupied with the artist Zhao Mengfu, and he corresponded with the German sinologist Otto Franke (1863-1946) about the painter's relationship to Kublai Khan. His letter dated 22.10.1942 is attached.
趙孟頫 (1254-1322) (款)
設色絹本 橫軸
款識: 趙孟頫
印章: 大德之寳、奇書古畫、樂琴書以消憂、光緒三拾四年七月二拾日 賣物助賑水災會 澳門、墨磨人、陳東席儒、大明安楚智勇將軍之章、白石翁 (沈周,1427–1509)、沈氏啓南 (沈周)、 大學士印、 太史宗伯 (董其昌, 1555–1636)、另鈐印三枚,印文不清
展覽: Dr. Ernst Arthur Voretzsch中國藝術收藏展, 漢堡工藝美術博物館,1913年; 中國繪畫藝術展, 藝術工業博物館,克里斯蒂安尼亞 (奧斯陸),1919年
文獻: Dr. Ernst Arthur Voretzsch著, 《中國藝術展覽指南》, 漢堡工藝美術博物館,1913年,40-41頁, 編號302; 《中國畫展覽指南》,克裏斯蒂安尼亞藝術工業博物館(奧斯陸),1919年,28-29頁,編號38, 圖14; E. A. Voretzsch 著,《中國畫》,東京,1932年,編號 30
來源: 德國 Dr. Ernst Arthur Voretzsch (1868–1965) 私人收藏,此後由其家族傳承
歐內斯特·亞瑟· 福雷奇博士特別珍視這幅畫作。1908年他在澳門購得此畫,這件作品分別於1913年在漢堡,1919年在克里斯蒂安尼亞(奧斯陸)展出。 在這兩個藝術展覽的指南中,福雷奇博士對這件畫作的注釋要比其他的畫作長得多。他相信元成宗以及明朝將領的印章為真,並在1913年提到: “這是通過其世係可確認其真實性的少數畫作中的一件。”
他前往東京出任大使時帶著這輻作品。1932年著名藝術書籍出版商大塚巧藝社為他所收藏的中國繪畫發行了一本大幅面的集(58.5 x 45.7 cm),書名用三種語言(德語、日語、英語)印刷。
直到1942年福雷奇博士都在研究趙孟頫,並與著名漢學家奧托·弗蘭克(Otto Franke,1863–1946)通信探討趙孟頫與忽必烈的關係( 附信件,1942年10月22日)。
Collection Dr. Ernst Arthur Voretzsch (1868–1965), and thence by descent
Published in Hamburg Museum of Arts and Crafts, guide through an exhibition from the collection of Dr. E. A. Voretzsch, Hamburg 1913, p. 40-41, no. 302, illustrated in Kunst-Industriemuseum Kristiania, Führer durch eine Ausstellung chinesischer Gemälde (Guide to an exhibition of Chinese paintings), [1919], p. 28-29, cat. no. 38, fig. 14 and in E. A. Voretzsch, Chinese Pictures, Tokyo 1932, no. 30
Exhibition of Chinese Art from the Collection of Dr. E.A. Voretzsch, Hamburg Museum of Arts and Crafts, 5.10.–9.11.1913
Exhibition of Chinese paintings, Kristiania Art-Industrial Museum, 1919