Lot 740 D α

A bronze ritual vessel of gui type. Western Zhou dynasty, 11th century BC

Auction 1124 - overview Cologne
08.12.2018, 13:00 - China
Estimate: 4.000 € - 6.000 €
Result: 6.875 € (incl. premium)

A bronze ritual vessel of gui type. Western Zhou dynasty, 11th century BC

The body with erverted rim is supported by a high and steep foot, to the sides two dragon head handles. Around the foot and below the rim a border with small taotie masks on leiwen. Inside at least four archaistic characters. Covered with a rough greyish patina with brown spots.
Height 13.8 cm; width 24 cm

西周早期 青銅饕餮紋簋
來源:德國不來梅Friedrich Otto Hasse (1886-1964),購於二十世紀二十年代,此後家族傳承
参阅:Rawson,著,《青銅聚英:中國古代與鄂爾多斯青銅器》,1990年, 編號43,柏林東亞博物院亦藏一例,見H. Butz著,《Frühe chinesische Bronzen aus der Sammlung Klingenberg》(Klingenberg中國古代青銅器的私人收藏),柏林1993年,編號5


Collection Friedrich Otto Hasse


Compare very similar pieces: Rawson 1990, Vol. IIB, Kat.-Nr.43;and the piece in the Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin, illustrated. in: H. Butz, Frühe chinesische Bronzen aus der Sammlung Klingenberg, Berlin 1993 cat. no. 5