Lot 1017 D α

A pair of Strasbourg silver candelabra

Auction 1230 - overview Cologne
17.11.2023, 10:00 - Decorative Arts - Silver, Porcelain, Faience
Estimate: 7.000 € - 8.000 €
Result: 8.820 € (incl. premium)

A pair of Strasbourg silver candelabra

Round bases with frieze and laurel decor supporting fluted column shafts and vase shaped nozzles. The four-flame upper sections with three curved branches and corresponding decor. H 50.5 cm, weight 2.938 g
Mis-struck or over-polished maker's mark, presumably that of Johannes Jacob Kirstein, 1780.


Cf. a pair of candelabra by Kirstein in the toilette service for the Comtesse von der Leyen, abgebildet im Kat. Vermeilleux, L'Argent Doré de Strasbourg du XVIe au XIXe Siècle, Paris 2014, no. 77.