Alexander Calder

Date/place of birth

22. July 1898 LawntonPennsylvaniaUnited States

Day/place of death

11. November 1976 New YorkUnited States

Alexander Calder - biography

Alexander Calder got things moving: Static sculptures were not enough for the American sculptor, so he instead conceived moving structures out of wire, became the father of mobiles as a master of kinetic art, and one of the most important representative of modern object art.

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Alexander Calder Prices

ArtistArtworkPrice (incl. premium)
Alexander Calder Untitled (Good Luck) €56.120
Alexander Calder Ohne Titel €51.170
Alexander Calder Orages €23.800
Alexander Calder Untitled (Merry Christmas) €21.780
Alexander Calder Ohne Titel €19.635
Alexander Calder Hanns Swarzenski zum siebzigsten Geburtstag €14.400