Arnold Odermatt

Date/place of birth

29. May 1925 OberdorfSwitzerland

Day/place of death

19. June 2021 StansSwitzerland

Arnold Odermatt - biography

The Swiss police man Arnold Odermatt documented events in his working and home life on camera privately for years. Later, this extensive oeuvre was discovered and published by his son, and his photographs were exhibited at the 49th Venice Biennale. These colour and black and white shots from the 50s, 60s and 70s are often marked by a more or less accidental surrealism, and display the technical perfection and fine aesthetic sensibilities of their maker. In his “Karambolage” series, Odermatt documented car crashes, concentrating less on the victims and more on the bizarre appearance of the decimated vehicles.

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Arnold Odermatt Prices

ArtistArtworkPrice (incl. premium)
Arnold Odermatt Oberdorf, aus der Serie: Im Dienst (Oberdorf, from the series: On duty) €2.745
Arnold Odermatt Stansstad €1.395