Luc Tuymans

Date/place of birth


Luc Tuymans - biography

Luc Tuymans uses his art to approach the difficult themes of politics, history and society, finding his own perspectives and shaking firmly believed certainties. The Belgian artist strives to see things differently and thus places his audience in a state of tense unease.

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Luc Tuymans Prices

ArtistArtworkPrice (incl. premium)
Luc Tuymans The Conversation €8.985
Luc Tuymans Smoking €8.330
Luc Tuymans The Gate €7.140
Luc Tuymans Niks €3.172
Luc Tuymans Portrait. Superstition. Tracing. Pillows €2.880
Luc Tuymans 4 PM €2.108