Lot 178 D α

A collaborative work. 19th century

Auction 1190 - overview Cologne
11.12.2021, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 600 € - 1.000 €
Result: 562 € (incl. premium)

A collaborative work. 19th century

Xujiu (To reminisce to talk about the old days). A collaborative work with a flower basket, a carp and a planter. Yunlai, Toicho Oyo (?-1903), Yi Tang and Kimura Kanzan (1838-1889). Hanging sroll. Ink and light colors on silk. Inscription, signed Yunlai, Wang Yangsheng, Yitang, Kanzan, and sealed Yunlai, ... Ju, Kan, Zan, Yitang and Lian ... xi ru.
150 x 51.5 cm

敘舊 易堂池合作圖 設色絹本 立軸
貫山寫(木村貫山,Kimura Kanzan)、青山逸士製、梅室寫春蘭


Private collection, Hesse, Germany