Bronze sculpture. Height 36.4 cm. Inscribed with artist's mark on rear side beneath the belly as well as with the hammered foundry mark "GUSS. RICH. BARTH BLN. MARIENDORF" and the numeration beneath the breast. Cast 4/8. - With fine, yellowish-brown patina, slightly highlighted in places. - With light traces of oxidation in the cavities.
Gerhard Marcks work-diary plaster/bronze nr. 405; Rudloff 609
Private collection Hessen
et al.: London 1954 (The Arts Council), Gerhard Marcks, An Exhibition of Sculpture with Drawings and Woodcuts, cat. nr. 36; Berlin 1955 (Juryfreie Kunstausstellung), Die Kunstpreisträger der Stadt Berlin 1955, with cat.; Wanderausstellung Südafrika 1955 (Deutscher Kunstrat), Gerhard Marcks, Südafrika - Beelhouwkunst van Diere, cat. nr. 23 with ill.; Munich 1956 (Galerie Franke), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 5; Wanderausstellung et al. Hamburg/ Tübingen/ Düren/ Heilbronn/ Friedrichshafen/ Bremen 1956-1958 (Galerie Rudolf Hoffmann/ Kunstverein Tübingen/ Hoesch-Museum Düren/ Kunstverein Heilbronn/ Bodenseemuseum/ Kunsthalle Bremen), Gerhard Marcks, Afrikana, without cat.; Cologne 1957 (Kunstverein), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 21; Berlin 1963 (Akademie der Künste), Rückblick und Gegenwart, cat. nr. 295; Cologne 1964 (Wallraf-Richartz-Museum), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 31; New York 1967 (Leonard Hutton Galleries), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 47; Paris 1971/1972 (Musée Rodin), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 21 with ill.; Bremen 1972 (Graphisches Kabinett Werner), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 9; Berlin 1974 (Galerie Nierendorf), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 9 with ill.; Reutlingen 1975 (Rathaus), Gerhard Marcks, cat. nr. 16