Lot 520 D α

Cy Twombly - Agori

Auktion 1042 - Übersicht Köln
29.11.2014, 12:00 - Zeitgenössische Kunst
Schätzpreis: 90.000 € - 120.000 €
Ergebnis: 248.000 € (inkl. Aufgeld)

Cy Twombly


Öl, Gouache und Bleistift auf Fabriano-Karton. 70 x 50 cm. Unter Glas gerahmt. Betitelt 'AGORI'. Rückseitig signiert, datiert und betitelt 'Cy Twombly sketch for Agori 1966'. - Mit Atelierspuren.

‚In trying to describe the atmosphere surrounding Cy in the 60s, I would like to interpret what made Cy be who he was.
Cy Twombly benefitted from the fact that he lived on both shores of the Atlantic and, in particular, on the Mediterranean. That made him not only an American or European artist but bestowed upon him one of the rarest gift: the possibility to continuously renew his art in a creative way up until the end of his life. Moreover, he acquired through his wanderings between countries and cultures and constant reading a rare wealth of experience that he synthesized in his work. I always had the impression that he was a classic mind nourished by a globalized intellect.” (Nicola del Roscia, Some notes on Cy Twombly, in: Nicola del Roscia, Cy Twombly, Drawings, Catalogue raisonné Vol. 4, 1964-1969, Munich 2014, p.10)


Del Roscia 142


Galleria Notizie, Turin; Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln; Privatsammlung, Rheinland


Köln 1975 (Galerie Karsten Greve), Cy Twombly, Bilder und Zeichnungen, Ausst.Kat., o.S. mit Abb.